Getting Started
Once individual accounts have been activated, clients will find that the use of Zoom Meeting software clients and applications make managing and participating in Zoom meetings much easier.
Clients should test all CPE equipment (web cameras, microphones and speakers) and their Internet Broadband connection to determine who best to connect to the Zoom system. Many Zoom related technical issues are a result of clients not testing their local equipment and resources prior to starting a Zoom Meeting as Host, or connecting to a scheduled Zoom Meeting as a participant.
The Zoom Help Center has a quick start guide designed to assist account holders, and event participants, through the essential steps necessary for effective Zoom use.
Click here to access the Zoom 'Getting started guide for new users' article
Distance Learning Services (DLS) staff have also created knowledge base help articles to provide assistance with locally focused perspective related to the UNC Asheville curricular and ITS environments.
Installation of Zoom Software
Zoom Meeting software is available for installation on ITS issued computers and devices via Software Center (Windows OS) and SelfService (macOS).
Clients having issues with downloading / updating Zoom software should contact the ITS Helpdesk using the email. Specific knowledge base articles regarding installation are available below and the utilization of Cisco VPN for off campus clients is required.
Use Cisco VPN if you are not physically on campus is required to securly access software and provide administrative access to computing devices | |
Mac users: Use the ITS Client Technology Services article ‘Self Service’ for download/updates to Zoom. | |
Win users: Use the following ITS Client Technology Services article to use ‘Software Center’ to download/updates Zoom. | |
Click here for a graphical workflow regarding use of VPN, Self Service or Software Center functions.
Clients using personally owned devices should use the following article Zoom Support article and video tutorial (two minutes and five seconds) to upgrade Zoom to the latest software version.
Testing Camera Devices
While every ITS computer/device, and new personal computer or device is issued with a properly functioning camera, occasional issues may arise that disable the camera, associated software drivers, or as a result of 3rd party software blocking access to the equipment.
Clients undergoing camera related technical issues should perform the below initial trouble shooting steps prior to going further: 1) Log out of Zoom, 2) Close the Zoom Meeting program, 3) Shut down the computer or device, 4) Power up the computer or device, 5) Relaunch Zoom Meeting
Additional information regarding video equipment technical issues may be found at the 'Testing Camera Devices' knowledge base article.
Click here for further information regarding camera device testing.
Testing Audio (Microphone/Speaker) Equipment
Ensuring that the internal or USB connected audio speakers & microphone are functional prior to launching Zoom Meeting is another highly important step.
Clients undergoing audio equipment related technical issues should perform the same initial trouble shoot steps listed in 'Testing Camera Devices' prior to attempting any further trouble shooting activities.
Additional information regarding audio equipment technical issues may be found at the 'Testing Audio Equipment' knowledge base article.
Click here for further information regarding audio device testing.
Account Profile Settings
Your Zoom profile allows you to update your user information, including your name, pronoun preference, profile picture, email address, and more. Some of this information is displayed to other users in the account, such as your name, department, and job title.
Click here for further information regarding Account User Profile settings.
Click here for a graphical workflow regarding changing your Zoom profile pictiure on any device. William Antonelli, editor and Staff Writer for Tech Reference, Business Insider
Joining a Meeting
There are several ways to join a Zoom Meeting. By use of an Internet Browser, a computer software client, mobile device or smart phone app.
Click here for further information regarding Joining Zoom Meetings sessions
Joining a 'Join-By-Phone meeting
(Join a meeting via audio conference or telephone using National and International toll numbers)
Internet Bandwidth Management
The Zoom Meetings software system works best when each participant connects with a minimum Internet broadband connection of 2.5Mbs (1.25 Mbps up & 1.25 Mbps down).
Users can determine their local broadband capacity by running an Internet Connection Speed Test. These readings provide a fairly accurate accounting of the wired or wireless access the computer/device is connected to. Click here to run a speed test to determine how much local bandwidth is available before Zoom is started, as well as afterwards.
Click here for more information regarding Internet Bandwidth Management
Click here for the Zoom Support article regarding Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues
Computer/Mobile Device System Requirements
Zoom Meetings may be held on Windows, macOS, Chrome and Linux computers. Most meetings require the use of a web camera, audio speakers, microphone and an Internet connection.
Full list of these specifications is available at the Zoom Help Center. | |
Zoom has released the Zoom for Chrome PWA (Progressive Web App) to support ChromeOS apps. While the Chrome OS app allows you to start or join a meeting, invite contacts to meet with you, manage participants, and more, the Chrome OS app does not offer all features available on the Zoom desktop client, mobile app, or web client. | Click here for the Zoom Help Center Getting started on Chrome OS article |
Note: Only Zoom Communication and Google Workspace Meet web-conference platforms are fully supported by Information Technology Services staff. ITS support for all other third-party web conference systems (Bluejeans (Verizon), Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Skype), are limited to application specific downloads to ensure that campus users have access to the latest required software. There are no campus accounts available for use with any 3rd party software and users are directed to contact the available user support services for any technical support issues.
Training Resources:
- Zoom Personal Profile and Meeting ID - A two minute and ceighteen second Zoom Learning Center video available at
Resources for assistance or follow-up questions and concerns.
Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support. Email: or by calling 828.251.6445
Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article. Email: or by calling 828.251.6540
Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.