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Activate Office 365 on your university Windows computer

Office 365 requires activation the first time you use an Office app on your university-owned Windows computer.

These instructions guide you through activating Office 365 on your university-owned Windows computer. If you have not yet upgraded to Office 365, please follow the guide at Upgrade your university computer to Microsoft Office 365.

If you're using a personally-owned computer, please follow the guide at Install Office 365 on a personally-owned computer.


If you've previously signed in to Microsoft apps or services on your university computer, Office 365 may detect your sign-in automatically, and you may not be prompted to complete these steps.

  1. Open an Office 365 app, like Microsoft PowerPoint.
    Note: These instructions are the same for any Office app (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) – PowerPoint is used here as an example.
  2. You'll be prompted to "Sign in to set up Office." Click Sign in.
  3. Enter your UNC Asheville email address, then click Next.

    If you've set up a personal Microsoft account using your university email address, you may be prompted "We need a little more help." This occurs when Microsoft detects the existence of both your UNC Asheville account, and your personal consumer account.

    Click Work or school account to continue. This will ensure your UNC Asheville Office 365 subscription is used to activate the software.

    You are unlikely to see this prompt unless you maintain a separate Microsoft account for non-university purposes.

  4. Enter your UNC Asheville password, then click Sign in. This is the same password you use to access all UNC Asheville services.

  5. You may be asked if you'd like to "Use this account everywhere on your device." This can make accessing and logging in to some aspects of your UNC Asheville Office 365 subscription easier. Click Yes.
  6. Once Office 365 activates, you'll see a confirmation screen. Click Done.

Office 365 is now activated and ready to use on your university-owned Windows computer.

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