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TSERS Review for University of North Carolina Asheville Employees


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SubjectTSERS Review for University of North Carolina Asheville Employees
From"reese" < Reese Walker>

Employee <redacted>,

Each year, as an employee of University of North Carolina Asheville you are eligible to schedule a phone call, teleconference, or in-person meeting off campus with a representative for answers to your specific state, federal and individual retirement benefit questions.

At the meeting you'll learn what your expected income will be from TSERS when you retire, and how much longer you will need to work to maximize those benefits. You'll also receive advice on the best ways to utilize your 401(a) options with your TSERS and/or Social Security benefits, as well as get answers to general retirement questions.

Please be sure to indicate which type of appointment you prefer (off-campus, phone call, or teleconference) in the notes section while scheduling. Please also include your direct cell phone number.

Appointments tend to fill up quickly. If you would like to secure your spot, click the link below.


All licensed representatives are not employees of the college or TSERS, and have been approved by one or multiple college vendors .

Click the following link to opt out of future mailings.


NotesThis email attempts to sign you up for paid retirement consultation services, which UNC Asheville Human Resources provides for free. Please do not sign up for this service, and contact Human Resources with any questions about employment benefits.


If you receive a suspicious message, please forward it to for review by ITS staff.

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