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USB Tabletop Microphone Configuration C-Media CAD U7

Process OwnerDistance Learning Services


TopicMicrophone configuration
Last Revision



Steps for connecting the C-Media CAD U7 microphones to a windows device.  These steps will cover installation and configuration.


Windows 10 configuration: 

1) Connect to USB port.

2) Right-click speaker icon at bottom-right of screen and then click Open Sound Settings.

3) Choose your output device (C-Media is not a speaker, choose another device).

4) Choose your input device (Select the C-Media microphone device).

5) Click Device Properties.

6) Slide the volume adjustment to 100%. 

7) Close the settings window. 

Mac OS configuration: 

1) Connect to USB port. 

2) Click the Apple icon at the top left corner of the screen, then click System Preferences. 

3) Click the Sound icon. 

4) Click the Input tab.

5) Click C-Media USB Audio Device.

6) Slide the input volume adjustment to 100%. 

7) Click the Output tab. 

8) Select a device for sound output (C-Media is not a speaker, choose another device). 

9) Slide the output volume adjustment as needed. 


If a ticket is required please document any steps taken to resolve the issue and note the serial or other ID listed on the device.


DLS is the only location that will loan out these devices.

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