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Social distancing during service interactions

To reduce the potential for transmission of COVID-19, ITS will follow these guidelines when providing service.

General guidelines and expectations

  • Please begin all service requests by contacting the helpdesk at 828-251-6445 or emailing
  • ITS will attempt to resolve your request using remote support tools first. Depending on the nature of your request, we may use email, chat, a phone call, or (with your consent) remote screen sharing tools.
  • The ITS Service Desk in Ramsey Library is not accepting unscheduled walk-up appointments. If you require technical assistance, please contact the helpdesk by phone or email to schedule an appointment first.
  • ITS staff will wash their hands before and after any service interactions, and will wear face coverings at all times.

Lab and classroom support

Issues not affecting a class in progress

  • All requests must be initiated by contacting the helpdesk by phone or email.
  • Academic support staff will follow up to confirm details and carry out any work when the space in question is unoccupied.
  • Academic support staff will wash/sanitize their hands before and after touching any hardware. Masks will be worn at all times.

Issues affecting a class in progress

  • All requests must be initiated by contacting the helpdesk by phone or email.
  • Academic support staff will first attempt to diagnose and correct the issue over the phone for up to 5 minutes
  • If a technician needs to visit a class in session:
    • The technician will arrive wearing a mask and with clean hands
    • Access to the classroom hardware will be cleared to comply with distancing guidelines by the instructor and students.
    • The technician will work to fix the problem and notify the instructor and students when they are finished so class can resume.

Hardware and employee workspace support

  • If your device requires a hardware repair, client support staff will coordinate a socially distant drop-off or pickup of your device. After remote diagnosis, a technician will work with you to schedule drop-off or pickup as appropriate.
  • If hardware configuration, setup, or repair requires a visit to your office, client support staff will schedule an appointment. We will ask you to disinfect your workspace prior to our arrival, and ask you to vacate your workspace for the duration of that appointment.

Networking and residence hall support

Faculty and staff networking support

  • Networking support staff will exhaust all options to address issues remotely. If a technician needs to visit an office, it will be done by appointment only and social distancing guidelines will be followed. If the technician does not feel that the user needs to be present, they will ask that the room be vacated when the work is being completed.

Student support in residence halls

  • Networking support staff will exhaust all options to address issues remotely. If a technician needs to visit a student's room, it will be done by appointment only and social distancing guidelines will be followed. If the technician does not feel that the user needs to be present, they will ask that the room be vacated when the work is being completed.
  • During any visit to a student room, both networking support staff and the student will wear a face covering and practice social distancing.

In all cases, ITS reserves the right to refuse service if customers are unable to follow the university's Community Expectations .

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