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Scheduling Requests

Process OwnerGreg Dillingham 


TopicPriority listing for scheduling UNC Asheville managed Interactive Video/Web-conference facilities
Last Revision



This document provides information to ensure all requests to utilize DLS managed video/web-conference resources are resolved in an effective and efficient manner. Distance Learning Services operational program support occurs during the academic calendar from 8:00am until 9:00pm (ET) Monday thru Thursday, and 8:00am until 5:00pm (ET) on Friday’s. Support during these hours are dependent upon DLS staffing and facility availability.


Subject:Reservation request for video/web-conferencing services. 
Date:Date(s) of interactive video/web-conferencing services.
Start/End time:Confirm that request is scheduled for eastern time zone. Indicate time block if specific times have not been determined.
Web-conference Technology:DLS Facility support is limited to Zoom Meeting web-conference system support. 
Subcategory:Technical Support Requests
Email ID(s) to notify:Include so that all DLS staff members are included.

Scheduling Policy


UNC Asheville cohort undergraduate academic programs (multi-semester/multi-year programs)


Individual UNC Asheville undergraduate academic courses (single semester courses / adhoc)


Curricular Support for UNC Asheville undergraduate academic courses (remote guest lectures)


UNC Asheville Graduate Center programs and courses


UNC System institutions (N.C. Research and Education Network members) academic programs & courses


UNC Asheville Conferences & Camps programs


UNC Asheville HighSmith Student Union non-academic courses, conferences and seminars


UNC System institutions (N.C. Research and Education Network members) continuing education and non-academic programs/conferences & seminars


Non-academic conferences and seminars of other NCREN members


NC State & Federal Government


Non-profit groups


Industry and Business (Charges apply unless waived by the Office of the Provost

Scheduling requests that do not require the use of video or web-conferencing technology resources will be transferred to campus room scheduling staff for resolution (currently staff at - Highsmith Student Union). 

Charges apply to 1-11 only if participants are charged an admission fee

Last review per Provost Office:  June 2012 per Dr Keith Krumpe

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