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Interactive Video Conference Support


Distance Learning Services (DLS) manages UNC Asheville’s Interactive Videoconference facilities.  All facilities support interactive videoconference programs which are live, visual connections that includes full-motion video images, high-quality audio, and computer display outputs between multiple locations with the ability to record its sessions. 

Facility Capabilities and Equipment

Videoconferencing is room-based professional services and web-conferencing is internet-based best effort services. Most videoconference facilities can also accommodate web-conferencing programs as well (Zoom Communications, Skype, Google Hangouts, Go-To-Meetings, Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, Adobe Connect, BlueJeans Network). Clients must have active web conferencing accounts for the above systems to connect to events and programs.

All facilities have the following instructional media equipment:

  • Instructor PC computer with dual monitors, desktop interactive pen display, and document/presentation camera. Campus lab image software is installed on computer. 
  • Multiple video cameras showing local instructor and participants.
  • Multiple microphones (4:1 participant to microphone). 
  • Two video projectors displaying incoming video and computer display signals. 
  • Wireless network access and electrical power on desktops for all participants. 

Note: Instructors have the option to provide their personal mobile computer for use in the interactive videoconference. 

Campus Facilities

Ramsey Library 001 - "Square D Teleconference Center"

Rhoades Robinson Hall 129a - "SteelCase Teleconference Center Tele-classroom"

Located on the side stairwell that leads to the lower level of Ramsey Library 

  • Capacity: 2 presenters, 40 participants 
  • Technology: Videoconferencing and Web-conferencing
  • Control Room phone number: (828) 232-5141
  • Primary purpose: NCSU Engineering online Degree program student support
  • Secondary purpose: Campus and off-campus audience support
  • Capacity: 2 presenters, 27 participants
  • Technology: Videoconferencing and Web-conferencing
  • Control Room phone number: (828) 251-6997
  • Primary purpose: Campus and off-campus audience support
Rhoades Robinson 112 - NCSU Engineering Online Tele-classroomRhoades Robinson Hall 136a - "SteelCase Teleconference Center Teleconference room"
  • Capacity: 1 presenter, 36 participants
  • Technology: Videoconferencing
  • Control Room phone number: (828) 232-5136
  • Primary purpose: NCSU Engineering Online Degree program student support
  • Capacity: 15 participants
  • Technology: Videoconferencing and Web-conferencing
  • Control Room phone number: (828) 251-6997
  • Primary purpose: Campus and off-campus audience support 

Resources for assistance or follow up questions and concerns.

Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6445

Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6540

Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.

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