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Scheduling a meeting with registration

Scheduling a meeting that requires registration will require participants to register with their e-mail, name, and other optional questions, allowing you to capture more information about your attendees. Effective use of registration can result in a significant increase of participant interaction and enagement.  While many registration features lend themselves best to small events, specific targeted utilization can sucessfully impact large participant events as well.

The meeting host or webinar organizer may add Custom Questions by editing the registration fields located under the Questions and Custom Questions tabs.  Participant currently registered will be required to re-register before attending the eventr.  Below is the workflow for adding and editing these questions:

  1. In the Registration window, click the Custom Questions tab to add questions to your registration page.
  2. Click New Question to add a question.
  3. Choose the type of question: Short answer, Single answer, or Multiple answers.
  4. Check whether the question is required.
  5. Enter the question.
  6. For single answer or multiple answer questions, enter the answer options.
  7. Click Create. Repeat the above steps to create more custom questions.
  8. Click Save All to save your customized registration.

Further information related to Managing meeting and webinar registration may be found at

Resources for assistance or follow-up questions and concerns.

Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6445

Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6540

Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.

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