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Use of the below information will assist event hosts and presenters in potentially increasing engagement, participation, learning outcome(s) adaptation, and in class assessment opportunities for the participants.  This 'objective view' of participant comprehension can provide a more relevant reference in determining which material should be presented next.  Hosts and co-hosts may launch polls during Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar events. 

While there are many 3rd party Polling software packages available that can be utilized concurrently with a Zoom Meeting, the Zoom polling tools allows for an integrated experience during a live event.  This integrated use decreased the amount of required bandwidth necessary to conduct the polling exercise, as well as  allowing ease of use for the presenter.

Poll icon located on the Host Zoom Meeting tool bar  

Basic Polling:  

The account owner must create polls prior to starting the event, or via a discrete Zoom web browser session once the meeting has started.  Polls allow the host to:  

  • Create single choice or multiple choice polling questions before starting the meeting.
  • Launch the poll during the meeting and gather the responses from participants or attendees.
  • The ability to also create a poll by clicking Polling during the meeting. This will open up the hosts default web browser for poll management (add additional polls or questions.) 

  • Download a report of polling after the meeting. Polls can also be conducted anonymously, if you do not wish to collect participant information with the poll results.

Click here for the Zoom Help Center article regarding Polling for Meetings

Click here for the Zoom Help Center article regarding Polling for Webinars

Zoom Polling for Meetings video: 

View the recorded Zoom Help Center video presentation regarding 'Polling for Meetings'

Examples of Polls/Quizzes created for use during a Zoom Meeting event

Example of a Survey created for use during a Zoom Meeting event

Resources for assistance or follow-up questions and concerns.

Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6445

Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6540

Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.

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