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Move files from a Windows file share to a Google Shared Drive

You may wish to transition from using UNC Asheville's Windows-hosted file shares (also known as your "S:\ Drive") to a Google Shared Drive.

Important considerations

  • If you move files to a Google Shared Drive, any changes you make to the file will not be reflected on the legacy Windows-hosted file share ("S:\ Drive"). Much like copying files to a flash drive, any changes you make to the file's new location are saved there and only there. ITS strongly recommends you consider moving to a Google Shared Drive as a permanent transition, rather than a temporary change.
  • ITS cannot assist with moving files to or from Google Shared Drives.
  • As a courtesy, make sure you discuss moving to a Google Shared Drive with all collaborators on your current Windows-hosted file share.


These instructions are most easily completed on a Windows computer. If you are off site, you must first connect to VPN to access your current Windows-hosted file shares.

  1. If you have not already, request a new Google Shared Drive by contacting ITS. Contact the ITS Service Desk by sending an email to or calling 828-251-6445. The IT Service Desk Self-Service Portal is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Self-Service portal allows you to request assistance from ITS using a simple web form.
  2. In a web browser, browse to Google Drive at
  3. On the left navigation menu, click Shared Drives, then double-click the shared drive you wish to open.
  4. In the top-right, click + New, then click File upload if you wish to upload individual files, or Folder upload if you wish to upload folders containing multiple files.
  5. Browse to your Windows-hosted file share ("S:\ Drive") and select the files or folders you wish to upload, then click Open.

Your files will being uploading, and a progress bas is displayed in the bottom-right. The time it takes to upload depends on the number of files and their total size, and will vary based on the speed of your Internet connection.

Learn more

Google Help for Shared Drives - Add files or folders ↗

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