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Minitab Online and Desktop Access Instructions

Beginning in 2023 UNCA now has access to Minitab Online available to all Faculty, Staff, and Students.  Minitab Online functions similarly to Minitab Desktop without being limited to Windows OS.  Minitab Online can be used on any platform including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, Android, and iOS. 

Accessing Minitab Online

You can now access Minitab Online by visiting in any browser.  To log into your account, enter your UNCA email address into the sign-in window as seen below and click next. 

You will be redirected to the UNCA SSO portal where you can complete the sign-in process by entering your UNCA password.  Once the sign in is complete, you will be sent directly to the Minitab Online site.  


If you are having trouble using or accessing Minitab Online please try the following: 

  1. Clear your browser's cache
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Use a different browser

If you continue to have issues accessing Minitab Online please let us know by emailing the IT Service Desk at

Accessing Minitab Desktop

Beginning in 2024 Minitab Desktop requires users to sign in with their UNCA account to activate the license.  The UNCA Minitab license server is no longer available. 

Using your license in a UNCA classroom or lab

  1. If you are presented with a license expiration warning, chose the OK button to continue to sign in. 
  2. In the "License Type" window, chose "Sign In".
  3. Enter your UNCA email address in the "Sign in to License Portal" window.  
  4. You will be redirected to UNCA's SSO sign in process.  Enter your email again and proceed through the UNCA SSO authentication process. 
  5. Minitab is now activated,  On lab and classroom devices, this process is required for each use.  

Installing Minitab Desktop on a Personal Device

(Minitab desktop can be installed in UNCA computers using Software Center)

  1. Sign in to to access Minitab Online
  2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the window and chose "Manage Account". 
  3. In the account management portal, click the link for "Downloads". 
  4. In the "Minitab Statistical Software" section of the following page, chose the link to "DOWNLOAD DESKTOP APP (LICENSE REQUIRED)".  
  5. Once the download completes proceed with installation.  On first launch, sign into your UNCA SSO account to activate the software as described above in "Accessing Minitab Desktop". 

Questions?  Please contact the IT Service Desk at

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