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Jabber Software Phone


The Jabber client is a software phone from the Cisco networking company.  This program allows you to access your desktop phone via the wired and wireless network.  While it works in your office, in combination with the VPN, you will also be able to use it on off campus networks too!

Login and Overview

You may see this warning pop up.  Please verify the IP Address listed and then click Accept.

Note: You may see this warning multiple times throughout the install process:

Login process

  1. Double click on the Cisco Jabber shortcut
  2. Click on Advanced Settings

  3. Under Select your account type pick: Cisco Communications Manager 9 or later
    Under Login Server enter the following:

  4. Click Save
  5. Enter your email address in this format:

  6. Click continue
  7. Enter the password for your account and click Sign-In
  8. You should now see the main Jabber window.  

Overview of Features

Main screen

  1. Account Information
    1. Status, Sign-out, Setting, and Profile
  2. Contacts
  3. Chats
  4. Calls
  5. Calendar Integration
  6. Voicemail
    1. The voicemails in this tab will be only for the primary line you use. 
    2. You can also check voicemail by dialing 1101 or clicking "Call Voicemail".

In the Search or Call box at the top center enter the full number or on campus 4 digit extension and wait for the dropdown to offer the green initiate call button

Click the keypad dropdown to begin dialing a number

Calls in progress

  1. Audio Mute
  2. Video Mute / Start my Video
  3. Share Screen
  4. Keypad
  5. More Options
  6. End Call

Additional settings
  1. Adding your Google Calendar:
    1. Click the gear icon to open settings (open Jabber preferences on Mac)
    2. Click Calendar 
    3. Click Google Calendar
    4. Restart Jabber to complete setup
    5. After logging into Jabber, login to your Google account when prompted
  2. Changing ringtone
    1. Click the gear icon to open settings(open Jabber preferences on Mac)
    2. Click Notifications
    3. Under Ringtone, select a new one for your line
  3. Disabling Camera
    1. Click the gear icon to open settings(open Jabber preferences on Mac)
    2. Click Video
    3. Disable your camera 
  4. Default audio device (this is helpful if you use multiple audio devices such as headphones)
    1. Click the gear icon to open settings(open Jabber preferences on Mac)
    2. Click Audio
    3. Set the order of your devices

Software Installation

University Owned Device

  1. Click on the Start Menu and type Software Center

  2. In the Applications pane type in the Search box (in the upper right) Jabber

  3. Click on the Jabber entry

  4. Click Install to begin the installation process.  Please refer to the Log-In guide above after the install completes
  1. Click Spotlight Search in the upper right corner next to the clock

  2. Type Self Service into the search box and launch the application

  3. In the Self Service search box in the upper left type Jabber

  4. Click on the Cisco Jabber entry

  5. Click Install to begin the install process.  Please refer to the Log-In Guide above after the install completes

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