Guest Lecturer Presentations
Invite guest lecturers, and remote classrooms, to your courses for interviews, presentations and conversations. Guest speakers provide firsthand information about the latest, or specific, research, training and scholarship.
Record these sessions for further use as instructional content.
Inviting Zoom Meeting Guest Lecturer (Remote Subject Matter Expert)
Benefits of these interactions:
- Allows you to tie the presentation in with your curricular outcomes by providing testable material for exams
- Your students hear speakers with a different viewpoint and perspective, possibly one that they can better understand
- Speakers offer a break from the normal classroom routine and experience
- Speakers add value by sharing “insider” knowledge that supports the course curriculum
- Honorariums are much cheaper than travel, lodging and speaker fees for on campus speakers
- Remote guest lectures can be received at numerous concurrent settings allowing for more participants engage and interact
Use Case:
- Guest lecturers (Subject Matter Experts) can provide the following curricular opportunities for courses and programs:
- Expertise not available within the department or university
- Diversity
- Access to authors and editors of textbooks and other source material for first person question and answer sessions regarding assigned readings
- Access to professionals with real-world experience relevant to smaller departments, or cutting edge fields not represented on campus
- Intercampus collaborative meetings where faculty co-teach/debate portions of common core instruction
- Virtual field trips to museums, parks and locations prior to study abroad, or summer field trips, or as an alternative travel arrangement when funding is not available
- Give students genuine language practice and a first hand experience of the language and culture by connecting with a native speaker
- Career exploration with graduate schools, relevant industry, or government/non-government agencies.
- Schedule a primary and backup presentation date that matches your course syllabus
- Obtain written (email is acceptable) permission to record and retain the presentation. Offer to share the digital link with then presenter for their use as needed.
- Coordinate a technical test with the speaker several days prior to the event
- Confirm time zones, do not assume that everyone is on the same sheet of music
- Determine Q&A procedure in advance, pre submitted questions, live questions or a mix
- Obtain FERPA consent from students if you plan for extensive collaborative discussions between the presenter and students.
- Request permission for post event followup questions from participants
- Obtain shared content via google drive for local use in the event of Internet/technology playback issues
In Meeting Setting / recommendations:
- Using the participants function tab, place the subject matter expert in a waiting room until time for presentation.
- Ask all participants to mute their microphone during the lecture portion of the presentation and only unmute when asking a question.
- Ensure that presenter has audio call-in information in the event of Internet service issues.
- Record only the guest lecturer presentation to build a content library of topical conversations. Excluding student Q&A eliminates FERPA compliance requirements.
- Send the scheduled meeting link to the guest prior to the meeting.
- Spotlight video puts a participant as the primary active speaker for all participants. All participants will only see this speaker as the active speaker. This feature is often used to spotlight a keynote speaker.
- View the recorded Zoom Workshop - Breakout Rooms & Remote Guest Lecturer presentations Part 1 of 3, Part 2 of 3, Part 3 of 3
Resources for assistance or followup questions and concerns.
Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support. Email: or by calling 828.251.6445
Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article. Email: or by calling 828.251.6540
Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.