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Classroom Capture Troubleshooting

Common problems:

Microphone Volume is too Low or High

Tripod camera is not connecting to the computer

Remote participants cannot hear me

I can't hear remote participants

Microphone Volume is too Low or High

Microphone volume can be adjusted within Zoom and on the computer the microphone is connected to. 

  1. Within Zoom:
    1. In zoom, open the audio settings.
    2. Un-check the box beside "Automatically Adjust Volume" and adjust the microphone volume manually. 

  2. In Windows:
    1. Right-Click the volume icon at the bottom right of the screen and select Open Sound Settings.

    2. Below the "Input" section, Chose your microphone and click "Device Properties" 

    3. In the "Microphone Properties" pop-up, select the levels tab.  Adjust the mic volume and click "Apply"

  3. In MacOS:
    1. From the apple Menu, select System Preferences.  Open the Sound preferences. 

    2. Select the Input tab.  Chose the microphone you are using from the list, and adjust the volume using the slider. 

Tripod Camera is not connecting to the computer

  1. Try Restarting the camera by unplugging and plugging in the power cord.  

  2. Make sure you have the correct camera selected in Zoom. 

Remote Participants Cannot Hear Me

  1. Make sure you have the correct Microphone Selected in Zoom.  Cycle through available microphones in Zoom testing each.  

I Can't Hear Remote Participants

  1. Make sure you have the correct Speaker selected in Zoom.  Cycle through available speakers in Zoom testing each. 

  2. Make sure the volume is turned up on the computer hosting the meeting and the classroom system.  
    1. Adjust computer volume from the Volume icon at the bottom of the screen (Windows) or using the keyboard volume buttons (MacOS).

    2. Classroom System volume can be adjusted from the podium control panel. 

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