While meetings can be started and scheduled from the Zoom web portal, you can also schedule/start meetings directly from the Zoom application. It is also important to access the Zoom application to set certain in-app settings, includingVirtual Background, Audio/Video settings, as well as other options. The Zoom Desktop Client and Mobile App have different features than the Zoom web portal and the Zoom web portal is primarily used for changing yourmeeting settingscustomizing your profile.
Using the Zoom Desktop Client
All UNC Asheville community members should use the desktop client to sign into their Zoom Meeting licensed account via Single Sign On (SSO) at the beginning, and log out at the end of the day.
Windows 10
Click the Windows iconin the taskbar.
In your apps list, scroll until you get to the Zoom folder.
Click on the Zoom folder.
Double click onStart Zoom, to launch the application.
Find theFindericonin your Dock.
Right-click on the icon, then clickNew Finder Window.
In the new window, click Applications. Find zoom.us in your apps list and double click the icon to start the app.
Note: If Launchpad is on your dock, you can click that to access your applications list, and openZoomfrom there.
Log into desktop client
SSO is an authentication process that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems such as Banner and now Zoom Meeting.
UNC Asheville's Zoom Meeting domain is unca-edu
You MUST use your full email address (ie. username@unca.edu) and your current password when logging in.
After you have logged into Zoom Meeting via SSO you will see your individual Zoom Meeting license profile page. You may now manage settings, schedule a meeting, start a scheduled meeting so that others may join, review individual meeting reports, etc.
Resources for assistance or followup questions and concerns.
Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support. Email: itservicedesk@unca.edu or by calling 828.251.6445
Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article. Email: ins_tech@unca.edu. or by calling 828.251.6540
Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns. www.zoom.us/support
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