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Accessible Large Participant Events

Zoom Meeting individual licensed accounts can support 300 concurrent participants within a single meeting, all which have the capability of sharing audio, video and computer displays.  For those events that require a larger participant limit, or that would not benefit from a collaborative web conference format, Zoom provides two specific add-on licenses to accommodate these needs.  Use of the below knowledge base articles will allow users to determine when use of a Zoom Large Participant event license will assist in meeting event outcomes.


These are platform accessibility services that are included for the Zoom Meeting and Webinar platforms. 

Current Accessibility Services 

  • Closed Captioning, Live Transcription and Cloud Recording Automatic Audio transcripts.
  • Custom gallery video display views, spotlighting or pinning speaker videos, and chat font changes are managed by the individual licensed account holder.
  • Once a Zoom Meeting or Webinar meeting is started, only the Zoom Meeting account host have permissions to start the below features.

Zoom Closed CaptioningZoom Live TranscriptionZoom Cloud Recording Audio Transcript

Closed caption allows the host, another meeting attendee assigned by the host, or an integrated third-party closed captioning service to add closed captioning in a meeting.

To enable the closed captioning for your own use:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal and in the navigation panel, click Settings.
  2. Click on the Meeting tab, then In Meeting (Advanced).
  3. Verify that Closed Caption is enabled.
  4. If setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable (The toggle slider will be gray). If a verification dialog displays, click Enable to verify the change.
  5. Once closed captions are enabled, the setting will display a blue toggle slider positioned to the right side.  






Closed caption allows the host, another meeting attendee assigned by the host, or an integrated third-party closed captioning service to add closed captioning in a meeting.

To enable the closed captioning for your own use:

  1. Using the steps in Zoom Closed Captioning to access account settings, determine if Live Transcription is enabled.
  2. The above open check box indicates that the live transcription service setting is disabled.  Click on the check box to enable this feature.
  3. You will be prompted with a confirmation message to enable this feature.  Once the live transcription feature is enabled, the check box will have a blue background and a check within the box. 




Zoom Cloud Recording Audio Transcript Closed caption allows the host, another meeting attendee assigned by the host, or an integrated third-party closed captioning service to add closed captioning in a meeting.

To enable the closed captioning for your own use:

  1. Click on the Recording tab in settings (refer to step 1 in CC). 
  2. Verify that Audio Transcript is enabled.
  3. Once the licensed account owner confirms that this setting is active within their account, no further action is required on the account owner level.
  4. If the setting is disabled, click the check box to enable this feature. 
  5. Once Cloud Recording Audio Transcript is enabled, the setting will display a blue box background with a check mark.



(Click here for the full Zoom Support Help Group article)

(Click here for the full Zoom Support Help Group article)

(Click here to proceed to the Zoom platform  Live Transcription feature utilization article)

(Click here for the full Zoom Support Help Group article)

Additional related knowledge base articles include:

Resources for assistance or follow up questions and concerns.

Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6445

Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article.  Email: or by calling 828.251.6540

Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.

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