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Client Technology Refresh Program

What is it?

The Client Technology Refresh Program was created to provide up-to-date computing resources for core campus use (computer labs, classrooms, faculty/staff workstations) in a financially sustainable and technologically supportable way. The CTRP began in 2008 as a means of refreshing lab and classroom computers from appropriate budget lines, but the program quickly expanded as it became clear that a comprehensive, holistic refresh program was needed to refresh client technology all across campus.

When is it available?

Yearly-based (Department List by Year).

Who can use it?

Full-time Faculty and Staff.

How much does it cost?

Funding for this service is managed by Academic Affairs.

Where to get help?

The IT Service Desk should be your first point of contact for technical assistance. Contact the Service Desk by sending an email to or calling 828-251-6445.  The IT Service Desk Self-Service Portal is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Self-Service portal allows you to request assistance from ITS using a simple web form.

Associated Policies and Forms

Responsible Use of Electronic Resources (Policy 7100)User Accounts and Authorized Access (Policy 7101)Information Technology User Security (Policy 7102)Information Technology Confidentiality (Policy 7103)Information Technology Privacy (Policy 7104)Handling of Potential IT Policy Violations (Policy 7111)

More Information

Need more information?   Contact the ITS Service Desk at or 828-251-6445 for additional assistance.

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