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PaperCut Charging


The PaperCut Pay-For-Print charging model is by "impression". An impression is a printed side of a sheet of paper meaning simplex prints are one impression and duplex prints are two impressions. In an effort to encourage sustainability the duplex price is discounted by $0.01 per impression.

PaperCut Funds for Students

UNCA students are given a $10.00 allowance at the beginning of each semester for printing costs which is loaded into the General fund of the RockyCard account. Any remaining balance rolls over at the end of each semester the student is currently enrolled in the University. Any remaining balance in the General fund below $10 will not be refunded to the student upon departing the University.

You may deposit additional monies to your General fund in person to the Cashier's Office located in Ramsey Library 003. No minimum deposit is required. Please note, general fund deposits can only be cash or check. Credit/debit cards are not accepted for general fund deposits. There will be a $30 returned check fee. Checks can also be mailed to the Cashier's Office. Make checks out to "UNC Asheville" and mail to:

UNC Asheville Cashier's Office

1 University Heights, CPO #1260

Asheville, NC 28804-8501

Some departments may opt to load additional printing funds for students enrolled in their programs.

PaperCut Funds for Faculty and Staff

UNCA Faculty and Staff charge printing to their respective departmental fund that has been identified for printing / copying expenses. Faculty and Staff members can be a member of multiple funds to track printing / copying costs appropriately, however, the PaperCut client must be utilized in these situations.

Faculty and Staff can be added to a department's PaperCut fund upon request from the respective fund manager or division supervisor. These requests should be entered through the IT Service Desk with the requested faculty / staff member's username and desired fund number to add the member to.

Student Workers can also be added to a department's PaperCut fund upon request following the same instructions for faculty / staff members.

Pay-For-Print Prices

The current Pay-For-Print price per impression is:









Multi-Function Devices are installed in most of the residential halls. Students must provide paper for their print jobs to these devices and may print at a reduced impression cost.

The current Pay-For-Print price per impression for a residential hall MFD:










Refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis. To request a refund you will need to contact the IT Service Desk and provide the following information:

  • Reason for the refund request

  • The document title

  • The exact date / time of printing (within 15 minutes)

  • How many copies will need to be refunded. 

Any credited balance will return to the account it was debited from.

Check our your printing history at any time by visiting!

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