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Instructions for employee service appointments

Arriving at your appointment

The deployment / pickup / drop-off location for ITS employee service interactions is Rhodes Robinson 013. 

View on Google Maps

You may enter Rhodes Robinson using the doors that are to the left of the Solarium (greenhouse) when looking at the building from University Heights.  If the door is locked, your OneCard will unlock it using the card reader to the left of the door.

After entering, take the first door to your right. RR013 will be the first office on the right down that hall.

Feel free to use any of the cleaning supplies or gloves available to you while you are there. 

Conducting your appointment

Once you are situated, call your ITS representative using the ITS contact list at the table and the phone that is provided.

Once connected with your ITS representative, he or she will instruct you to go to in order to connect remotely. The technician will be able to help you and control your screen while you are connected.

After your appointment is done, wipe down the space that was touched with the disinfectant wipes.

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