Anyone joining a Zoom Meeting event that is hosted by another user is considered a participant, unless the host grants them co-host privileges.
Depending upon the device used to access the event, (Windows / macOS / Linux / Web client / Android / iOS) the participant may have access to some of the below 'in meeting' functions.
Below are the available Zoom Meeting functions available to the Host, or participants assigned as Co-Host after the meeting is started.
lock the meeting to prevent unapproved entry, etc)
Waiting Rook
Security Icon
Live transcription
Breakout Rooms
NOTE: Host meeting functionality is controlled by account settings that are enabled or disabled at both the system account, as well as the individual license level. This control is performed at the account level by ITS Zoom Administrators to provide security and overall functionality for the entire campus. Each Zoom Meeting individual licensed account holder also has the ability to enable or disable Zoom functionality within their license settings. These individual license settings impact all participants joining any scheduled meeting.
Audio - Join Audio or Unmute / Mute and Start Video / Stop Video
Both of these functions basically operate the same for all Zoom Meeting participants.
The following video settings are accessible via the Zoom Desktop Client 'Settings'
Zoom users are organized as Hosts, Co-Hosts and Participants. Participants join a meeting scheduled by the Host, are non-host users present in the meeting, and can interact with other event attendees, however this interaction is enabled and managed by the Host and Co-Host. Any participant in a meeting can share their video, screen and audio, unless these functions are disabled by the Host or Co-Host. Participant in-meeting settings only effect their local settings, however, these settings (audio or video or share screen) may impact other participants.
The participants Pop-up window menu allows the Host & Co-Host access to the following event participant functions
The following event participant functions are available by clicking on the elipse (...) located at the bottom of the Participants pop-up menu.
The in-meeting Zoom chat feature allows you to send instant messages to other users within a meeting or a private message to an individual participant. As the host, you canchoose who the participants can chat with or todisable chat entirely. Each user canchoose in settingsto view each participant's profile photo in chat, or their initials if they have no profile photo.
Note: When sending messages to an individual participant, private chats are never visible to the meeting's host. Additionally, if the hostsaves the chat, private messages between participants do not appear on the chat transcript.
Screen sharing during Zoom meetings is designed with a collaborative environment in mind. This feature gives only the users, who choose to share their screen, full control over their own screen and what other meeting participants can or cannot see. Participants utilizing this function may share content including their entire desktop or phone screen, specific applications, a portion of their screen, content from a second camera, etc. Further information may be found at
Note: Meetinghosts cannot monitor your screen activitiesunless you choose to share your screen.
Live transcipt provides meeting participants with subtitles of the spoken in-meeting communications, which allow participants to easily follow conversations. If the event host does not automatically enable live transcrption at the start of the program, participants may request that the host enable this function for the meeting without interrupting them directly. Participants may also adjust the closed captioning size.
Meerting reactions allow participants to utilize nonverbal icons to communicate with the host and other participants without disrupting the flow of the conversation. All participants can see the icons used.
The following additional Reactions emohis are available by clicking on the elipse (...) located at the top of the Reactions pop-up menu.
By default, meeting reations have a yellow skin tone, however this can be set by each indivdual via their Zoom desktop client.
Participants may leave an on-going meeting at anytime while it continues for the other participants. Only the Host can end the meeting.
What happens to the meeting if the host leaves by mistake?
Note: Participants who leave a meeting by mistake will not be able to rejoin the event if the Host has 'locked the meeting'. This function prevents any new participants from joining the ongoing meeting.
Training Resources:
Joining a Zoom Meeting - A three minute and thirty one second Zoom Learning Center video is available at
Meeting Layouts and Views - Athree minute and ten second Zoom Learning Center video is available at
Share Your Screen, Video or Audio - A three minute and forty one second Zoom Learning Center video is available at
In-Meeting Chat & Reactions - A four minute and fifty one second Zoom Learning Center video is available at
Resources for assistance or follow-up questions and concerns.
Contact UNC Asheville's Information Technology IT Service Desk for assistance in implementing the above described services and support. Email: or by calling 828.251.6445
Contact UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning unit for pedagogy and teaching strategies regarding this knowledge base article. Email: or by calling 828.251.6540
Use the Zoom Video Communication system knowledge base for Zoom meeting specific support questions or concerns.
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