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Install VMware Horizon Client on your personal computer

The VMware Horizon Client software allows you to access a virtual Windows desktop hosted by UNC Asheville ITS from your personally-owned computer.


  1. Visit VMware Horizon Client downloads (third-party link) ↗.
  2. Find your operating system, then click the associated "Go to downloads" link.

    UNC Asheville recommends the following:

    • For Windows devices, select VMware Horizon Client for Windows instead of "VMware Horizon Client for Windows 10 UWP from the Microsoft store."
    • For Linux devices, select VMware Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux.
    • For Android devices, select VMware Horizon Client for Android devices from Google Play store.
  3. Click the Download button to download the installer.
  4. Open the downloaded installer, then follow the on-screen directions to install the software.
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