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How to take a Moodle Quiz

This guide illustrates how to take a quiz within Moodle.

Please note, this guide provides a general example. Your individual courses and quizzes will vary in appearance. Each quiz can have a different layout depending on the way the instructor has set it up.


  1. Log into Moodle ↗ using your UNC Asheville username and password.
  2. Click on the class for which you have a quiz.
  3. Click on the assigned quiz.
  4. Click Attempt Quiz Now.
  5. Select answers to quiz questions, and use the "Next Page" button to navigate to the next question.
  6. You can also use the "Previous Page" button or "Quiz Navigation" menu to jump around within the quiz.
  7. Once you reach the final question and are ready to submit the quiz, click the "Finish Attempt" button on the bottom-right of the screen.
  8. On the "Summary of attempt" page, you can click "Return to Attempt" to modify your responses, or "Submit all and finish" to submit your quiz attempt.
  9. After clicking "Submit all and finish" you will be prompted with a confirmation asking if you are sure you want to finish. Click "Submit all and finish" to complete the quiz.
  10. Once you confirm your submission your quiz will be graded and your final grade will be displayed.

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