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Computer Acceptance Agreement

The following agreement must be accepted by UNC Asheville employees when taking delivery of a computer from ITS. An ITS technician will work with you to sign the agreement at the time of delivery.

I understand that the equipment I am receiving is the leased or owned property of the University of North Carolina Asheville.

I understand that at the expiration of the lease term (if applicable), separation from the University, transfer to another division, or upon request, I will be expected to return this equipment to UNC Asheville Information Technology Services (ITS) or to my supervisor in good condition, as directed. I understand that I am not to transfer the equipment to anyone without the approval of UNC Asheville ITS.

I understand that it is my responsibility to inform ITS immediately if this equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged regardless of reason.  If I plan to take the equipment to a foreign country, I must register with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)'s website: and have obtained the appropriate approvals.

I understand that I am to have no expectation of privacy in the material sent or received over the University computing systems or networks.  While general content review will not be undertaken, monitoring of this material may occur as authorized by applicable University policies.

I understand that I may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action should I breach the terms of this agreement and that my department may be liable for any costs resulting from the loss of, or damage to, this equipment.

I understand that only UNC Asheville ITS or their designates shall service and/or repair this machine, both hardware and software.

I understand that all software pre-installed by UNC Asheville ITS has been installed legally and in accordance with any end-user license agreements (EULAs) or other license agreements attached to that software.

I understand that any software I install on this equipment must be done so legally and in accordance with any EULAs or license agreements attached to that software. 

I understand that it is my responsibility to use safe computing practices and to maintain the security of institutional or sensitive data in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, FERPA (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act),  and University policy. Safe computing practices include protecting logons and passwords from disclosure, storing sensitive information on secured networks, practicing safe browsing habits while using the internet, and completing periodic training related to these topics. 

I understand that being an employee of UNC Asheville I am subject to and must abide by all applicable UNC Asheville Information Technology Policies.

Last revised 2020-02-03 by ITS, General Counsel, and Internal Audit

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