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Classroom Instructions

Power on the room

Press the on key and wait for the light to show solid white.

Tap the screen to power on the system.

Choose a source

Chose a source from the buttons or icons.

Connecting a laptop

Connect your laptop to the supplied VGA or HDMI cable. Select the laptop source to corresponding to your cable

  • Some rooms require the user to supply a VGA and Audio cable.
  • Please provide your own adapter corresponding to your computer's hardware and the room's connection options.

Adjusting Volume

  • Ensure that the volume is turned up in the application or browser and the computer's master volume.

Use the knob to control the volume

Press the volume icons

Play a DVD/Blu-ray/VHS

All rooms have the ability to play a DVD. Rooms with Blu-ray capability cannot play a VHS tape. Player is located in the front of the podium. Some rooms have a wireless remote attached to the podium for DVD/VHS control.

Use the buttons to control playback

On-screen buttons control playback

SMART Board Usage

Rooms with SMART boards feature interactive projection

  • Use your finger to interact with the computer
  • Pick up a pen or eraser to annotate
  • Use the on screen icons to change your pen settings

Shut down the system
Press the appropriate key and confirm if prompted.

Tips and Tricks

  • The image is off the screen or doesn't look right
    • Press the source button again or switch to another source and back.
  • The computer is not appearing on screen
    • Ensure the computer is on and awake. Press the power button on the front of the computer within the podium.
    • Ensure the desktop monitor is on and plugged in
  • The computer is not working or frozen
    • Reset the computer by holding the power button on the computer within the podium until it turns off completely. Wait 30 seconds and press the power button again to start up.

Document Camera Usage



Document cameras can be used to show books and items on the projector

  • Turn on the camera with the power button
  • Use the zoom and focus keys to adjust the image
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